Experience Your Life of Wellness with the Healing Power of Nature

If you’re here right now, it’s likely because you’re ready to experience a healthier, more balanced life with greater physical or emotional wellness.
Your health detective.
I'm a naturopathic physician, acupuncture specialist, former pharmacist, community educator and nature lover. Rest assured, you’ve come to the right place… and there are very effective, safe, all-natural solutions to restore your health and reclaim a life of energy, balance, and joy.
You're probably here because you're looking for more quality in your daily life. Maybe you struggle with chronic aches and pains, you’re finding it difficult to deeply relax, or your metabolism just isn’t what it used to be. Whether it’s digestive issues, chronic stress, headaches, hormonal imbalances, or you want to shed those extra 10 pounds, you just don’t feel like yourself.
Inside, you know that you could feel better. That’s why you’re here: You’re ready to shift into a new way of being... one that reflects who you really are as a healthy, vibrant, empowered individual. Somewhere along your path, you've lost connection with your true self. Through many life circumstances, you're constantly helping others and just never feel like there’s enough time in the day for the most important person - YOU!
You can’t seem to calm your mind or get the clarity and motivation you need to make your health a top priority again. Because of this, your body is giving you some warning signs, whether that’s low energy, brain fog, high blood pressure, sugar cravings, extra weight, or back pain. Instead of just trying to silence your body’s alarm system, you’re here because you’re ready to transform your life... and you know that you need to start with your physical and emotional health.

If you’re like most of my patients, you’re seeking an alternative or complement to conventional medicine. You want to get to the root cause of your health issues rather than take medications for the rest of your life. Instead, you want to live a life that is unlimited in its potential. Your goal is total life wellness, complete vitality and transformation.
My practice at Vis Wellness Center has helped many people just like you by treating their symptoms on a deep, core level that produces lasting healing and change. I understand that wellness is so much more than the absence of disease. Your health is the most precious asset you have. There is nothing more important than getting proactive about your health, investing in your well-being, and choosing a lifestyle that allows your body to be a symbol of longevity, strength and vitality.
I provide care to individuals of all ages and all levels of health. My practice has helped people with health issues such as:
• fatigue
• hair loss
• anxiety & depression
• chronic pain
• weight gain
• allergies
• thyroid disorders
• hypertension
• insomnia
• digestive disorders
• infertility
• migraines/headaches
• chronic stress and worry
• auto-immune disorders

I look forward to working with you & supporting you on your journey to wellness!
To experience maximum value from Vis Wellness Center, please take the following 3 steps now:
1. GET YOUR FREE HEALTH REPORT: Leave your name and email at the bottom of this page and receive your FREE report on The Complete Wellness Solution: Three Natural Approaches to Optimize Your Digestive Health which will give you a tremendous amount of tips and insight to quickly create better health. (You will also receive updates on my next FREE ONLINE WELLNESS CLASS where I offer informative, interactive health talks which will empower you to take your health into your own hands. If not now, then when?)
2. LIKE to join our thriving Facebook community for daily tips, inspiration and helpful information. Be sure to like, share and comment on posts to ensure you keep them in your newsfeed on a regular basis. I’d love to have you as part of it! Like here or below.
3. SCHEDULE your appointment online today. Click here to make your appointment. You are also welcome to call or text my office at (234) 2-ACU-DOC or email viswellnesscenter@gmail.com with questions or concerns. We’re never too busy to help you!